Up to 2x DIN A0 and larger. Gentle, contactless, perfectly illuminated, printable. In other words: art reproduction of your works at its finest. Save yourself expensive handmade facsimiles, it's faster, just as beautiful and above all cheaper. We also solve other "difficulties" with ease.

Scanning framed works of art behind glass

This is art reproduction in the 21st century: We enable you to digitize your artworks and print them on fine art print materials. Be it oil paintings, watercolors, drawings or other works of art, framed or unframed. With our XXXL scanner "Hornet" we offer you digitization at the highest level up to a format of 168 x 119 cm. The height of the original can be up to 20 cm and we can achieve a depth of field of up to 16 cm. A particular highlight is the excellent illumination and gentle LED technology. Thanks to the sophisticated illumination, we can also scan works of art behind glass without reflections.

Printing digitized artworks on fine materials

After digitization, we print your artwork on the material of your choice, as we scan in print quality, i.e. with 300 dpi resolution. You can choose from various papers from Hahnemühle (William Turner, Torchon). But that's not all: art reproduction is also possible on high-quality panel materials, such as acrylic glass, Alu Dibond, GalleryPrint and many more. Also the print on canvas always produces excellent results (see photo above when browsing through: comparison of original - canvas - Alu Dibond). This allows you to archive your artwork and protect it from the deterioration caused by light, exhibitions, storage and other stresses.

Have books and sealed folders/documents digitized

But art reproduction is not our only specialty. We are also able to digitize documents that are "hard to get hold of". We are talking about old books, for example. Here we can proceed particularly gently. The open book lies flat and "naturally" on the scanner. No turning over is necessary, careful page turning is possible. The results are outstanding (see photos), regardless of whether they are images, writing or drawings. The same applies to documents, certificates etc. in sealed folders. By means of a lowerable part of the scanning table, it is possible to capture firmly anchored scan material, for example a construction plan (see photo). In this way, we guarantee an excellent scan on the one hand and the preservation of the seal on the other. This service makes it easier for notaries, for example, to pass on or archive a document. 

Contactless direct digitization of sensitive documents, e.g. old maps

Another advantage of our "Hornet" scanner is that we can reproduce documents that are no longer suitable for the swipe scanner. Specifically, these are old maps, historical posters etc. with tears that would only get bigger with conventional scanning. Here, too, there is no gentler way. We carefully place the documents on the scanning table - this is even possible with a transparent protective cover - and that's it. No folding, no pulling through, nothing. The scan is contactless and complete. What's more, the process only takes a few seconds, so the document is only exposed to the scanning process for a short time. We can also digitize other historical documents, certificates, decorations, carpets, figures, originals with textures and much more for you in outstanding quality.

Everything you need to know about the XXXL scanner

  • Format 2x DIN A0 or larger in print quality
  • Non-reflective, even behind glass, including sealed documents
  • contactless, gentle scan
  • Digitize old documents
  • Digitize old maps
  • Digitization of sensitive documents
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