PVC figures at Kustermann in Munich


"As light as possible, as robust as possible, as easy to assemble as possible" - these were the specifications of the specialist household store Kustermann, the "requirement profile", so to speak, for the shop window decoration for the "The Good Swap" campaign, which it held in the middle of 2014.

Smart PVC for exchange campaign

Customers were able to hand in old household appliances and take advantage of discounts on new purchases. Appliances or other equipment that were still in working order were donated to a charitable project (browse/click through the photos below). 

  • PVC figures at Kustermann in Munich
  • PVC figures at Kustermann in Munich
  • PVC figures at Kustermann in Munich

Retro style with Smart PVC, inspired by the 1950s and 1960s

Originally, Kustermann thought of a pure sales campaign with this concept. Over time, the idea evolved into a retro campaign with great attention to detail, inspired by the 1950s and 1960s. The implementation started with rough sketches depicting the "typical housewife" of the time in her daily environment, next to the washing machine, in the kitchen, etc. Suitable illustrations were found in relevant image databases with which the idea could be realized. The creative team sometimes reassembled the templates and ultimately created several designs, some of which were life-size. 

  • PVC figures at Kustermann in Munich
  • PVC figures at Kustermann in Munich
  • PVC figures at Kustermann in Munich
  • PVC figures at Kustermann in Munich

Large, lightweight sheets that are easy to cut

The challenge for WENZEL was to meet Kustermann's "requirement profile". Large panels that are easy to cut to size, offer an attractive appearance even when printed and are easy to install. After brief consideration, the decision was made in favor of Smart-PVC. In contrast to PVC Forex, Smart PVC is characterized by its extremely low weight and high robustness. The cutting with the milling machine and the print quality are also convincing. Both 10 mm sheets (in Kustermann's business area) and 5 mm sheets (shop windows) were used.

  • PVC figures at Kustermann in Munich
  • PVC figures at Kustermann in Munich
  • PVC figures at Kustermann in Munich
  • PVC figures at Kustermann in Munich
  • PVC figures at Kustermann in Munich
  • PVC figures at Kustermann in Munich

Smart PVC installation: by yourself or by WENZEL

The Kustermann team carried out the installation themselves. Drilling small holes and hanging on thin threads went without a hitch. Above all, the low weight was very convenient for Kustermann and offered great scope for design. This was also reflected in the result of the retro campaign. According to Kustermann, the campaign was extremely well received, with customers dropping off their appliances by the containerful, which must have been particularly pleasing for the charitable project supported by Kustermann.

If you also have a challenge for WENZEL - be it Smart PVC or something else - please do not hesitate to contact us, to contact us.