Hardcover binding built and clamped


Our extensive portfolio also includes hardcover binding. This type of binding is particularly popular for photo books, menus, presentation folders, etc. However, many clients now also print final theses such as bachelor's theses, master's theses, etc. in this elegant way. This is because the hardcover binding should reflect the work the author has done and ultimately crown this work. We can offer everything up to DIN A3 format.

Procedure for hardcover binding

But what steps are necessary before you can hold your hardcover binding in your hands? First we print out the inner part (see also video below or here) and cut it to size (it doesn't matter whether it's photos, text or similar). Meanwhile, we print the motif for the cover on adhesive foil. Once this is done, it's time to laminate, i.e. the adhesive film is given a protective cover. The cover can withstand knocks and light scratches much better this way.

  • Hardcover binding built and clamped
  • Hardcover binding built and clamped
  • Hardcover binding built and clamped

Printing, cutting to size, assembling the cover

The next step is to cut the laminated film to the exact millimeter for further processing. This is followed by the completion of the hardcover. Here we place the A3 (2x A4) adhesive film on a special table and fix it in place. Two cardboard boxes are then placed on top as well as several cardboard strips to reinforce the spine. After cutting off the corners, the whole thing is pressed into specially designed grooves and the adhesive foil is neatly stuck onto the cardboard. The cover is finished (see video).

Gluing the hardcover binding 

Now back to the content, i.e. the pages of the book. We place these in a machine with the cover we have just finished and fix it in place. We then spread the pages with a kind of brush and coat them with glue (hot glue). The whole construction is then turned over, pressed tight - finished. After a short drying phase, the hardcover binding is ready for use. A product with apparently many work steps, which we have captured in a video => Click on triangle (or here the direct link to the video of a hardcover).

Inexpensive variant: clamp hardcover

In addition to the lovely hardcover binding described above, which we produce by hand, there is also the cheaper version of the hardcover clamp binding. With this version, we simply clamp the stack of paper into a prefabricated binding and that's it. No glue, no drying time. Visually, this solution looks almost exactly the same as the "built" hardcover solution, but as already mentioned, it is a lot cheaper as a lot of manual work is no longer required.

  • Hardcover binding built and clamped
  • Hardcover binding built and clamped

So if you need a photo book, a menu, a presentation book, a thesis or similar and are looking for high quality, you've come to the right place. Feel free to contact us at any time. You can calculate and order bachelor and master theses and order them online here.

Yours, Matthias Wenzel