Car lettering for Munich company


We create and install car lettering for customers in and around Munich. If you want everything from a single source, from file creation to printing and application, you've come to the right place. This was recently the case for Sanitär Stemmer from Holzkirchen (near Munich).

Step 1: The file for the car lettering

First of all, we had to create the print file for the car lettering. To do this, we took precise measurements of the company vehicle: The hood was to have lettering, as were the side doors, the large areas on the left and right and the rear swing doors. With the exact specifications, we took care of the design according to customer specifications (color, font, text, etc.). As always, see photos to browse through.

  • Car lettering for Munich company
  • Car lettering for Munich company
  • Car lettering for Munich company
  • Car lettering for Munich company

Step 2: Plot out car lettering and roughly plan assembly

We then produced the plots for the car lettering and planned the wrapping in rough outline. Precise measurements for even spacing and straight application are an absolute prerequisite. However, our colleagues already have years of experience (see here and here), so the fine-tuning could follow quickly.

  • Car lettering for Munich company
  • Car lettering for Munich company
  • Car lettering for Munich company
  • Car lettering for Munich company
  • Car lettering for Munich company

Step 3: Fitting the car lettering

However, the last step presented a small but subtle challenge: the window on the right-hand side was not to be pasted over/darkened. Instead, we opted for perforated film, which lets light through but looks more or less like a real covering. There was a small gap between the opaque adhesive film and the perforated film. But the colleagues mastered this challenge expertly, resulting in a clean, continuous car lettering.
In addition, the colleagues had to stick some extremely long parts (the strips on the left-hand side). Three arms would have been a blessing here. However, as teamwork is a top priority at WENZEL, this was also no problem (see photos and picture at the top of this article).

  • Car lettering for Munich company
  • Car lettering for Munich company
  • Car lettering for Munich company
  • Car lettering for Munich company
  • Car lettering for Munich company

Do you also have a vehicle that you would like us to label? Whether in Munich or outside Munich, we will be happy to visit you and provide a complete service from a single source: file, print, installation. Get in touch contact WENZEL and ask for a quote.

Matthias Wenzel