6 x 3 meter wallpaper in Nymphenburg Palace


We had 6 x 3 meters of photo wallpaper to hang in the "Man and Nature" museum in Nymphenburg Palace. Add to that aluminum Dibond and the exhibition was finished.

Dear readers,

We had the great honor of visiting the Museum of Man and Nature in the Nymphenburg Palace. We also supplied prints on Alu Dibond - see also photos to click through further down in this blog post.

The park of Nymphenburg Palace in the light of the seasons

The motto of the exhibition was "In the light of the seasons". The house and court photographer Thomas Grüner visited the castle park at different times of the year at different times of the day to capture the moods of nature. The result is beautiful shots of the park in the fog (for which he certainly had to get up very early). Sensational animal shots, which required a lot of patience, are also included. 

  • 6 x 3 meter wallpaper in Nymphenburg Palace
  • 6 x 3 meter wallpaper in Nymphenburg Palace
  • 6 x 3 meter wallpaper in Nymphenburg Palace
  • 6 x 3 meter wallpaper in Nymphenburg Palace
  • 6 x 3 meter wallpaper in Nymphenburg Palace
  • 6 x 3 meter wallpaper in Nymphenburg Palace

Wallpaper in the format 3.90 x 2.65 and 6.20 x 3.07 meters

The self-adhesive wallpaper showed outstanding photographs that Nymphenburg Palace wanted to present in XXXL - or rather XXXXL with a format of over 6 x 3 meters. The motif was divided into several strips and grew piece by piece on the wall in the museum thanks to the skillful hands of colleague Robert.

The technicians attached the 40 x 24 cm Alu Dibond prints on site using a rail on the back, which WENZEL had previously glued on. The colors are rich and brilliant, while the matt look of the material prevents reflections in the material. 

  • 6 x 3 meter wallpaper in Nymphenburg Palace
  • 6 x 3 meter wallpaper in Nymphenburg Palace
  • 6 x 3 meter wallpaper in Nymphenburg Palace
  • 6 x 3 meter wallpaper in Nymphenburg Palace
  • 6 x 3 meter wallpaper in Nymphenburg Palace

Warmest recommendation to visit the exhibition

At this point, WENZEL can only warmly recommend a visit to the exhibition. Not only because our prints can be seen there, but also because the Museum of Man and Nature has very interesting ideas for young and old. It is definitely worth a visit.

Yours, Matthias Wenzel