Catalogs and magazines: versatile helpers in a digital world

Even in this digital era, where screens dominate our everyday lives, printed catalogs and magazines retain their incomparable charm. Why? Because they create something that no website, app or social medium can offer.
A printed catalog or magazine brings your products and messages to life in a very special way. The touching paper, the smell of the fresh ink, the rustling of the pages - all this creates a physical presence that establishes a lasting connection with your customers.
But that's not all. Printed product catalogs are a crucial element of your brand identity. They offer a unique opportunity to present your brand in an appealing way.
Nowadays, printed catalogs and magazines are used in many industries. They serve as order catalogs for the latest fashions, as a presentation medium for furniture stores, as a source of travel, hotel and tourism information, as guides for complex products, as product range overviews and as manuals for all sorts of things. They are versatile, customizable and always relevant.
Wenzel offers various binding options for printed catalogs and magazines.
  • Adhesive binding
  • Spiral binding
  • Staple stitching
  • Perfect binding with soft cover
  • Hardcover binding
We offer a wide range of paper grades to ensure that your printed catalogs and magazines meet your exact requirements. Our dedicated team is on hand to advise you on choosing the right paper, whether in person on site, over the phone or by email.
  • Interior Design Catalog
  • Print customer magazine in Munich
  • Print magazine in Munich