Customer stopper

The customer stopper is definitely the right choice: advertising in two directions, eye-catching, effective. And: you can easily change your advertising motif.


Enter your custom format or choose from popular formats.
60 x 84 cm
  • Premium Qualität
  • Für Indoor oder Outdoor Zwecke geeignet
  • 32mm Aluprofil Klapprahmen
  • Gerung/Ecken: Abgerundet / Rondo
  • Sehr stabil
  • schlagfeste, rostfreie Metallrückwand
  • Antireflex-Schutzfolie UV-resistent


Our offer for you

Net total:
EUR 71,50
VAT 19%:
EUR 13,59
Total incl. 19% VAT:
EUR 85,09EUR 168,82/m²

Would you like a custom offer?

Please enter your contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please provide a phone number so that we can call you if anything is unclear.

Customer stopper

The customer stopper is ideal for outdoor use. It advertises in both directions, attracts attention and does not fail to make an impact. The system is supplied with a protective film for the mounted graphic. This can be replaced at any time without tools. This makes it possible to communicate seasonal/weekly advertising. WENZEL will of course be happy to print the new designs for you. Reliably and cost-effectively. Questions? Feel free to contact us at any time.
  • Customer stopper for outdoor advertising
  • Sidewalk display
  • Customer stopper for customers