Poster printing at its best

Your photo printed as a poster. Semiglossy oder glossy, all formats are possible. Calculate and order right here online.


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x cm
Double coated FSC certified satin paper in 170g/m² for highest quality digital printing. This paper has a soft silk coating for excellent readability.


Our offer for you

Net total:
EUR 36,30
VAT 19%:
EUR 6,90
Total incl. 19% VAT:
EUR 43,20EUR 43,20/m²

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Your photo printed as a poster

photo as a poster always is something very special. It's bigger than "normal" pictures, beautifies walls and is an eyecatcher. This is why WENZEL offers you three different kinds of paper you can choose for your poster print.

  • Poster

Photo paper - glossy - 235g/sqm,

The high-gloss photo paper (also called "glossy") ensures very strong and brilliant, bright colors. Rooms with subdued lighting offer ideal conditions, since very bright lighting can cause reflections. The UV-resistant colors defy sunlight, so that the print does not lose any of its radiance over the years, even in direct sunlight. Of course, the format can be freely selected with millimeter precision. By the way, you can also order your photos framed and with passe-partout. Questions? We would like to hear from you.

  • Poster

Fotopapier, 235g/qm, seidenmatt

The golden mean between "glossy" and "matt" ist "semi-glossy". This material offers brilliance concerning with fewer reflections.  If you need the poster laminated, we are happy to help. Of course the choice of format is yours. Questions? We are happy to help.

  • Poster

Standard poster paper 170g/qm

The standard paper is a 170 gsm material which brings out the printed colors well. Incident light is only reflected to a small extent, so that it can also be used in well-lit rooms. The format can be freely selected, the colors are UV-resistant. If you wish, we will be happy to laminate the poster for you. The 170 paper is nevertheless a cost-effective solution and therefore ideal for short-term use, e.g. for lectures or conferences. Questions? Please get in touch with WENZEL.

  • Poster

Fleece poster 180g/sqm, satin finish

The fleece poster is not a typical paper poster. The difference between this material and the others is that it is B1 certified and therefore flame retardant. Therefore, this material is often used at exhibitions or competitions, as it easily withstands all safety regulations. On request, we can also laminate this paper and cut it to your desired format. Simply order online here or contact the WENZEL team.

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